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Return and Exchange



There is NO RETURN or REFUND POLICY we have, we can only provide exchange to our customer who resides in Udaipur city or nearby.

We have a 48 hours exchange policy which can be availed at our exclusive Outlets. Currently we have only one outlet which is situated in Udaipur city Rajasthan.

If you are a resident of Udaipur or nearby, you can come for the exchange to our store situated at Gokul Tower Sec 14 Hiran Mangri Near CA Circle, opposite Trimurti Complex, Udaipur, Rajasthan.( 313001)

Other than Udaipur City or nearby customers we don’t have any exchange policy also.

We accept the exchange request only in case of any DEFECTIVE material received by any customer. Request for exchange can be raised with 12 hrs. to our customer care  Email ID with proper Picture of the defect. If the defect found to be genuine then exchange request will be accepted via Email.

To start an exchange, you can contact us at Please note that returns will need to be sent to the following address:

Shop No.8,10,11 Gokul Tower Sec 14 Hiran Mangri Near CA Circle, Near Trimurti Complex


 RJ, India

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